HIV/Aids 7hr Course: Objectives

  • Define HIV and AIDS.
  • Discuss how HIV impacts the body.
  • Describe behaviors that increase the risk of HIV infection.
  • State how HIV is transmitted.
  • Discuss Infection Control precautions, including Universal/Standard precautions.
  • Describe the procedure for on-the-job exposure to HIV, HBV or HCV.
  • State the HIV/AIDS reporting requirements in Washington State.
  • Define confidentiality as it relates to HIV in Washington State.
  • Discuss discrimination related to HIV/AIDS.
  • Describe interventions related to the management of behaviors endangering the public.
  • Discuss the human impact of HIV/AIDS on the patient and the caregiver.
  • Describe typical stages of grief.
  • Discuss select populations and their relationship to HIV/AIDS
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